Guess What! Levels 5 6 Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROMs (for Pack with Audio CD). Camilla Mayhew

Author: Camilla Mayhew
Published Date: 27 Aug 2015
Language: none
Format: CD-ROM
ISBN10: 1107545617
ISBN13: 9781107545618
Imprint: none
File size: 33 Mb
File Name: Guess What! Levels 5 6 Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROMs (for Pack with Audio CD).pdf
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Guess What! Levels 5 6 Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROMs (for Pack with Audio CD) ebook. activities. Shine On! Level 1. Level 2. Level 3. Level 4. Level 5. Level 6. Student's Book Teacher's Pack with Assessment and Resource CD-ROM and Fluency. DVD. Personalize learning: save audio or written notes anywhere on the page. Covers all the grammar, skills and vocabulary learners need for the test. and thorough test of English at Level B1. It covers all four language skills reading, writing, listening and speaking. A thorough test of all areas of language ability There are three papers: detailed information on each test paper is provided later in this handbook, but the overall focus of each test is as follows: American Headway: Level 4: Workbook Audio CD by John Soars, 9780194729093, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. By using our website you agree to our Booktopia has Listening Extra Audio CD Set, A Resource Book of Multi-Level Skills Buy a discounted audible edition of Listening Extra Audio CD Set (Audio CD) from Safe Sailing CD-ROM:SMCP Training for Seafarers:Elimentary to ELT Resource Books for Teachers Non-Fiction Teaching English (ELT) ELT Read a description of this, customer reviews and more. Read Guess What! Levels 5-6 Teacher's Resource and Tests CD-ROMs download audio When. 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It gives you full skills coverage with a clear focus on pronunciation, plus wide-ranging support and resources too. Resources include Test Generator CD-ROMs, DVDs, Multi-ROMs, and websites. The highly popular teacher's site has extra lesson ideas and resources for you to download. Teacher s BookStep-by-step: Levels 1 and 2: 8 lessons per unit Levels 3 to 6: 10 lessons per unit 14. Teacher s BookExample of one lesson: 15. Class CD and stick puppetsTeachers are provided with a complete set ofCDs that include all the songs, audio activitiesand stories for each level. There are four puppets that represent the main Get Smart. is an innovative six-level primary course in British English. It takes students from Beginner to Pre-Intermediate level, while carefully considering students particular needs and interests at each stage. English in Mind 2 Class Audio CDs. CD-Audio; English in Mind; English; By (author) Herbert Puchta, By (author) Jeff Stranks. Share Flexibility and support are offered in the form of photocopiable activities and tests in the Teacher's Resource Pack, 'EiMTV' DVDs, Workbook CD-ROMs and the extensive free worksheets, tests, wordlists and resources on the website. Each level of the course provides 80-90 5. Our Top Picks! Primary. Primary Social Studies for the Caribbean. Page 30. Lower Teacher's Resources. Lesson. Plans. Videos. Worksheets. Sound. Files. CD Audio Multi-ROM (included in Pupil's Book Pack) contains stories, games and songs Interactive CD-ROMs (with student's books 1-6) provide multiple.
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